Pre-registration due by January 4, 2024 . See Registration Timeline for more details.
Register Here: FSY Registration
Who can attend FSY?
All youth participating in FSY must meet the following requirements:
Be no younger than 14 years old by Dec. 31, 2024, and no older than 18 by the end of the session they attend.
Be willing to follow the FSY Standards of Conduct.
Be able to safely participate in FSY.
Not be currently on probation or parole for any crime.
Not have committed a felony sexual offense, whether convicted or not.
FSY conferences are full of fun activities and spiritual opportunities. The resources below will help your youth prepare to have a wonderful experience.
What is an FSY conference?
For the Strength of Youth (FSY) conferences are large events designed to help youth have fun as they apply the gospel in all aspects of their life. At FSY, youth will participate in five days of devotionals, classes, and activities intended to build and strengthen faith in Jesus Christ as they grow spiritually, socially, physically, and intellectually. Check out the What is FSY? page for an overview of what youth will experience at FSY.
How do youth register? Pre-registration begins October 2023 and will remain open until January 4, 2024. You can view the sessions your stake is assigned to attend on the stake assignments page. Please note: the FSY registration process has changed. Pre-registration is due by January 4th.
Pre-registration gives your youth the opportunity to fill out their information as well as select their top choices for an FSY session. Session assignments for those who pre-register will be completed in early January 2024. Youth must finalize their registration January 8-24, 2024, or they may lose their spot. During that time they will have the chance to accept the session assignment they were given or register for a different session.
See the Registration Timeline page for details. Either parents or youth may log in to register as long as the parent account is linked to the youth account. Youth may use their personal Church Account username to log in. (Have your youth test their login here before registration begins to make sure there are no problems with their account.) Please be present as your youth registers so you can sign the Youth Participation Agreement. Register at this link and login with church account:
Important Things to Know about Preregistration
Youth who preregister will be randomly assigned a session from their listed preferences. Session preferences are not guaranteed.
If your youth and up to five of their friends or family members would like to attend the same session, they may link to each other during pre-registration. By linking, they will be assigned as a group to the same session, so long as space is available.
A pre-registration link is not a group or roommate request
After pre-registration has ended and session assignments are announced, youth will need to log back in to submit payment and finalize their registration.
Trouble with your account?
Our Account Error Resolutions page has information regarding how to fix a membership record number (MRN) error, child of record error, or problem with forgotten username or password. It also gives instructions for how to register for a Church account if needed.
What accommodations are available for youth with dietary, disability, medical, or other needs?
Please see FSY Accommodation of Persons with Dietary, Disability, Medical, or Other Needs for information.
Have other questions about pre-registration or FSY in general?
Visit the FSY website for more information about account errors; accommodations for dietary, disability, or medical needs; FAQs; and so on.